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Data Processing

Data Processing


Crea & Cocina shall be liable for the quality, suitability, safety and good condition of the products it supplies. The term of the warranty is stated for each product. In case the warranty term is not indicated, it will be of one (1) year, according to the laws of each country. THE USER agrees to use the products as recommended by Crea & Cocina.

The modification, reproduction, publication or transfer of any content to others, or its use for any purpose is prohibited except to the extent permitted by law. It is prohibited to disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or attempt by any means to break the protection of the content. All content, elements and information on this Website including all text, formatting, images, music, trademarks, logos, trade names, sounds, graphics, videos, animation, and other materials on this Portal are the property of Camila Estrada León.
Some of the contents are protected by copyright and trademark laws. Any unauthorized use of the Services and Contents of the Portal that violates the property and intellectual property rights of Crea & Cocina or third parties, may imply the initiation of the corresponding legal actions by the holders of the rights.
Access to or use of shall in no way imply the granting or negociation of any license, concession or right to use any of the trademarks, names, logos, designs or Content protected by the intellectual property rights of Crea & Cocina or any third party, as applicable.
The creation of web pages, internet sites, electronic documents, computer programs or computer applications of any kind that contain hyperlinks or marks that redirect the navigator to any Content of this Portal, without the corresponding authorization, is not permitted.
The use of the contents of the web domain is only authorized for information and service purposes, provided that the source is cited or referred to, and the USER is responsible for the misuse of the same.

USERS are fully responsible for the conduct while accessing and browsing the information on the Web, as well as after having access.
As a consequence of the foregoing, USERS are only responsible to Crea & Cocina and third parties for:

1. The consequences that may arise from the use, for illicit purposes or effects or contrary to this document, of any content of the Web, whether or not prepared by Crea & Cocina, published or not under its name in an official manner.
2. As well as the consequences that may arise from the use contrary to the content of this document and harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or in any way damage, disable or impair the Web or its services or prevent normal enjoyment by other users.
3. Crea & Cocina reserves the right to update the contents when it deems appropriate, as well as to eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently, as well as to deny access to the Web to USERS and USERS who misuse the contents and/or violate any of the conditions that appear in this document.
Crea & Cocina informs that it does not guarantee:

  • That access to the Web and/or linked Websites is uninterrupted or error-free.
  • That the content or software to which the USERS and USERS access through the Web or of the Web of link does not contain any error, computer virus or other elements in the contents that can produce alterations in their system or in the electronic documents and files stored in their computer system or cause any other type of damage.
  • The use that USERS may make of the information or content of this website or linked websites for their personal purposes. The information contained in this website should be considered by the USERS as informative and guiding, both in relation to its purpose and its effects, for which reason:
  • Crea & Cocina does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this Web and therefore does not assume any responsibility for any possible damage or inconvenience to the USERS that may result from any inaccuracy in the Web.

Crea & Cocina assumes no liability whatsoever arising from, but not limited to:
The use that USERS may make of the materials on this website or linked websites, whether prohibited or permitted, in violation of intellectual property rights and / or industrial content of the Web or third parties.
For possible damages to the USERS caused by a normal or abnormal operation of the search tools, the organization or location of the contents and/or access to the Web and, in general, of the errors or problems that are generated in the development or instrumentation of the technical elements that the Web or a program provides to the User.
Of the contents of those pages to which the USERS can access from links included in the Web, whether authorized or not.
The acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of whether these third parties may be linked to Crea & Cocina by contract.
Access by minors to the contents included in the Web, being the responsibility of their parents or guardians to exercise adequate control over the activity of children or minors in their care or install any of the tools to control Internet use in order to prevent access to materials or content unsuitable for minors, as well as the sending of personal data without the prior authorization of their parents or guardians.
Of the communications or dialogues in the course of the debates, forums, chats and virtual communities that are organized through or around the Web and/or linked websites, nor shall it be liable, therefore, for any damages and prejudices suffered by the individual and/or collective USERS as a result of such communications and/or dialogues.
Crea & Cocina will not be responsible in any case when they occur: Errors or delays in accessing the Website by the USER when entering their data in the order form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the recipients of the order confirmation or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet network, causes of fortuitous event or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of Crea & Cocina.
Failures or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions, so that there is no guarantee that the services of the Web site are constantly operational.
Errors or damages caused to the website by an inefficient and bad faith use of the service by the USER.
Non-operability or problems in the email address provided by the USER to send the order confirmation.
In any case, Crea & Cocina undertakes to solve the problems that may arise and to offer all the necessary support to the USER to reach a quick and satisfactory solution to the incident.
Likewise, Crea & Cocina has the right to carry out during defined time intervals, promotional campaigns to promote the registration of new members in its service. THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify the conditions of application of the promotions, to extend them with due notice, or to proceed to the exclusion of any of the participants of the promotion in the event of detecting any anomaly, abuse or unethical behavior in the participation of the same.

In case of fraud or unauthorized use of the credit card by third parties, most banks and credit card issuers cover all expenses resulting from such fraud or misuse, which may sometimes be subject to a deductible amount and for the lapse of time. In the event that the credit card issuer or bank charges the USER such deductible amount due to unauthorized transactions resulting from a purchase made on Crea & Cocina Platform, the cardholder will be credited up to a maximum of USD 100 (one hundred dollars). In order to make such reimbursement, THE USER must report this fraud to your credit card issuer (according to its reporting rules and procedures) and immediately contact Crea & Cocina by email at In the subject line of the email, please write "credit card fraud" and also provide proof of the charge of the deductible amount (e.g. policy of the credit card company). This refund by way of compensation applies only to purchases made by credit card using the secure server of and to unauthorized use of your credit card on the secure server, through our fault or negligence, for which the USER is not responsible.

In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in force and shall be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these Terms of Use. Crea & Cocina may not excercise any of the rights and faculties conferred in this document, which will not imply in any case the waiver of such rights unless expressly recognized by Crea & Cocina or prescription of the corresponding action in each case.

Crea & Cocina reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as these GENERAL CONDITIONS. Therefore, Crea & Cocina recommends the USER to read them carefully each time he/she accesses the Website.
USERS will always have these Terms of Use in a visible place, freely accessible for as many queries as they wish to make. In any case, the acceptance of the Conditions of Use will be a previous and indispensable step to the acquisition of any product available through the Web Site.